Peace of mind for your project

We've manufactured boundary box systems in the UK for 30 years. Our fully approved systems house water meters below ground, at the boundary between the water main and domestic supply.

We provide the only load-bearing screw adjusting boundary box systems on the market, which makes it quick to install in both non-contaminated and contaminated land environments.

Our range is developed to meet the rapidly evolving needs of our customers and protect the environment. We are committed to sustaining high standards and rigorous quality control to ensure safety and durability is delivered every time. No matter the size or scale of your project.

Choosing the right connection, made easy

Non-contaminated land

The Adjusta range provides 25mm or 32mm connections, with a choice of tails or Philmac compression fittings.

Contaminated land

The Protecta-Line range provides 25mm, 32mm or ¾” BSP connections, with a choice of tails, compression fittings or threaded connections that protects from permeation and chemicals.

Flexible design

Flexibility and ease of installation, in both non-contaminated and contaminated land environments, sits at the heart of the boundary box system innovation. Discover more below:

Adjustable top section

Easily adjust the height and pitch for on-site conditions whilst maintaining loading capacity. The lid remains level to the pavement for secure installation.

Modular bayonet design

The box can be separated prior to meter installation, providing better access to the connection and minimising errors.

Tailor-made for your project

Our Adjusta Mini and Protecta-Line Mini range is tailored to suit shallower depths. For deeper installations, extended upper ducts can be supplied.

Customisable lids

All lids come with a metal detection plate, a keyhole and are marked ‘Water’ as standard. This is a flexible feature as metal plates and keyhole can be removed and company or alternative wording can also be applied.

No lid
Round lid
Slope Adjusta
Square Cowl
Surface box

Series 3 range now available

Our Adjusta Series 3 and Protecta-Line Series 3 boundary boxes captures all the benefits of our standard range and further developed with additional advanced features.

Product Standards

Our boundary boxes comply with the following UK standards, specifications and approvals, as required and appropriate:

  • WIS 4-37-01 - Specification for boundary boxes for the metering and control of domestic and small industrial water services
  • BS 5834-1: 2017 - Surface boxes, guards and underground chambers for the purposes of utilities Specification for guards and plinths
  • BS 5834-2: 2011 - Surface boxes, guards and underground chambers for the purposes of utilities. Specification for surface boxes
  • BS 8588: 2017 (for Protecta-Line Boundary Box only) - Polyethylene pressure pipe with an aluminium barrier layer and associated fittings for potable water supply in contaminated land

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