We're off to the PEI Convention to discuss the importance of safely transferring fuel
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From 1st to 4th  October, members of our team will be flying across the Atlantic to take part in this year’s PEI Convention at The NACS Show in Las Vegas.

Developed solely for the energy handling equipment and services industry, the four-day convention offers a wealth of educational sessions and networking opportunities. From sessions about decarbonisation and filling the skills gap to supply chain challenges and economic updates, delegates will also be able to network with many suppliers that will be exhibiting there – including ourselves. You’ll find us in booth 7301 , where we will be showcasing our fuel supply solutions.

Safely transferring fuel and their vapours is a primary concern within the industry, for many health and safety, and environmental reasons. As such, choosing pipework systems that are corrosion and permeation resistant is vital. They must also be manufactured from materials that can withstand atmospheric conditions, whilst being able to maintain consistent flow rates and deliver maximum environmental protection for both above and below ground applications. Thanks to our expertise, developed over 25 years of innovation, we have a solution that ticks all the boxes: PLX System.

Our PLX system is a multi-layered polyethylene composite pipe system offering an internal permeation barrier, available in both single-wall and secondary-contained options. It has been specifically designed to offer maximum permeation protection to the environment and conforms to the requirements of EN 14125. ​

In addition to choosing a suitable pipework system, it is also important to review the installation process of the fittings. For example, traditional secondary contained pipework fittings require six end preparations and three separate welds, which is very time consuming. As such, choosing a solution that reduces installation times significantly would be beneficial, such as our innovative PLX One-Weld Fittings.

Our PLX One-Weld Fittings, in comparison to traditional secondary-contained products, will save installers an average of 15 minutes per fitting on site and half a day of labour on a typical forecourt project. This is because the primary and secondary joints can be welded simultaneously, which reduces total fusion time, as well as reducing the number of preparation steps required, making the installation process much quicker and more efficient.

At the conference, we’ll also be showcasing our PLX termination fittings. Designed for use at both the offset fill area and tank chamber connection points, the termination fittings enable full secondary containment to be maintained throughout the pipeline. They also provide a more compact and efficient solution, with the three components often seen in traditional termination assemblies condensed into one electrofusion fitting.

To find out more about our PLX system, click here.